PPC Wiki

KoolKoopaGirl KoolKoopaGirl 18 February 2017

Something awesome is happening!

Okay, so, this might not seem like very big news, but I just felt like sharing this with other peeps. :)

I'm writing my own story! It's not a Fanfiction, it's an original story. Namely, a fantasy called Myths of Nymphia. Here's some of what I've worked out!

Five years prior, the Wizards' Council, after sorting out problems in a village, is returning to the Rosemari Palace. Buuuuuuuut disaster, as it tends to do, strikes. A not-so-subtle assassination attempt occurs that kills several mages, General Coral, and the current Lord of the Council, Reyman Ashe. Oh, and did we mention Reyman's daughter Soleil watches his slow, painful death?

And since then, things have changed a lot. For one, Soleil's sixteen now, and serving as the new Lord of the Co…

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