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The Multiverse Monitor is a publication distributed in PPC HQ. It has been described as 'regenerating'; every few years, long after the previous version has died, the name is picked up by a new editorial team and attached to some new variant. Depending how they are counted, there have been up to five versions of the Monitor:

  • A newsletter (2002-2003)
  • A British-style tabloid (2006-2007)
  • A magazine (2011-2014)
    • Editors: Nita Incog and Anon E. Maus
  • Another tabloid (2016-present)
    • Editor: The collective unconscious of the PPC, purportedly
  • The REAL Multiverse Monitor (2015-presenter)

The Newsletter (2002-2003)[]

Elf Corner logo

Elf Corner logo by Al's Waiter.

The first Multiverse Monitor ran for 'a few weeks' (as opposed to a year).[1] Edited by Bjam,[2] it was presented in a single-page news sheet format and featured, among other things, a Plotbunny Adoption Center.

The only remaining content from the Newsletter is the six 'Elf Corner' editorials penned by Al's Waiter:

The Tabloid (2006-2007)[]

MM 2006-04

Cover for the April 2006 edition of the Multiverse Monitor by Starwind, complete with misspelling.

This Multiverse Monitor (or Moniter, as it's consistently misspelled in the masthead) was a British-style tabloid newspaper that ran for fourteen[3] or fifteen[4] issues. Edited by Agents Starwind Rohana and Estelnar Celebduin, the tabloid operated out of Response Centres 12 and 14.

The tabloid put far more stock in sensationalism than accuracy, deliberately courting conspiracy theorists[5] and reporting rumours about Agent and Flower debauchery with little evidence behind them. The tabloid also featured pinup photos of agents on its Page Three.

The tabloid was released monthly from March 2006 to June 2007, with two skipped issues. At the end of Issue Fourteen, it was announced that the paper would be taking a hiatus until the end of the year.[3] There are no known issues after this point, but rumours of a lost Issue 15 from January 2008 abound.[4]

Issue One[]

The March 2006 issue of the Multiverse Monitor featured two cover stories regarding the (heavily elaborated, if not completely made up) romantic conquests of both the Sunflower Official and Dafydd Illian. Equally notable in this issue is the beginning of a series of Page Three images – in this case, a photo of Agent Suicide in the shower. This issue began the tradition of advertisements, and the leadup to its publication forms part of the plot of the semi-canon PPC Computer Game.

There were apparently multiple variants of the first issue. One version included Agent Kayleigh claiming there are aliens in the Disturbing Acts of Violence Department[5] (which there are, but that's nothing special in the PPC), while another had Dafydd Illian on Page 3 rather than Agent Suicide.[6]

Multiverse Monitor March 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Sunflower Official, Yellow Roses, Dafydd Illian (Ariel)
2 Article: "Agent Dafydd and His Many Women – Exploits of HQ's Luckiest Agent" Dafydd Illian, Selene Windflower, Jared Calinson, GreyLadyBast, Vemi Fincaran, "Constant" Sims, Steve Dimond (Huinesoron)
3 Page Three Agent Suicide Agent Warhawk (Tungsten Monk)
4 Article: "Sunflower Official Found in Shocking Love-Vase!" Sunflower Official, Yellow Roses, anonymous agent Bess E. Boddy (Gillespy)
5 Article: "Madness on Saint Patrick's Day!" Maly, Sean (DOOCH; possibly that Sean?), Byzantium (DBS), Bonsai Mallorn Agent Verdana Chartreuse (Luthien)
6 Article: "Suemonia Outbreak in Cafeteria – Sixteen Agents Missing, Presumed Beautiful" Suemonia, ToorKay John and Vindaloo (RC 8104), Timbledim, Sparkticus (Medical), Bessa (Medical), Ithalond, Karlyle (?), Isaiah, Tadkeeta, Jira Foley, Doom (DMS) (Tungsten Monk)
7 Article: "Department of Plot Contrivances Discovered to Be Figment of Agent's Imagination" P.Q. Shambutter (DMS), Yed Ikko (DMS - LoZ), Sir Begonia de Window-Potts (DPC) M. Brin (Meir Brin)
8 Article: "Suvian Found to be Impersonating HQ Staff!" Unknown Suvian and/or fanperson (Cafeteria Worker), Dewmont (DMS - LotR) Miles Walkalot (WyldeHorse)
8 Column: Missing Persons Found: Starwind Rohana Twiggy Papaya (herself)
8 Missing Persons, cont. Missing: Agent Warhawk (DBS); contact Agent Gast (DoP) (Tungsten Monk)
9 Column: "Three Most Creative 'Sue Deaths of the Month!" Assassination methods, anonymous agents Starwind Rohana (herself)
10 Column: Letters to the Editors (none in this issue)
11 Column: Adverts Bleepka, RC 59, chocolate Starwind Rohana (herself; presumed)
11 Adverts, cont. 6 long-handled elven throwing knives, RC 12 Starwind Rohana (herself)
11 Adverts, cont. Arsenic and Black Mamba venom, RC 2424 Starwind Rohana (herself, presumed)

Issue Two[]

The April 2006 issue featured two cover stories: one regarding Agent Keily Shinra suffering from Mary Sue Syndrome, the other a how-to guide for Sue taxidermy. This issue also started including letters from readers and featured the first 'Lust Object of the Month'.

Multiverse Monitor April 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Taxidermy, generic Mary Sue Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Article: "Bleeprin Derivatives: What Medical Doesn't Want You To Know" Bleeprin, Sunflower Official, Twist (FicPsych), Flip Finley, Doctor Fitzgerald Noah Tall (Rez Montrose)
3 Page Three Estelnar Celebduin Starwind Rohana (herself)
4 Article: "'I Was A Sue!' One Agent Reveals Her Shocking Story!" Bakeru (DoI - Anime), Keily Shinra, Mary Sue Syndrome, anonymous nurse (Medical) Unnamed reporter (Keily)
5 How-to: "Sue Taxidermy: Ten Easy Steps!" Taxidermy (LotRGenius Gen & Turtle Of The Night)
6 Article: "Sueicosis" Sueicosis, Medical Research Division, Entropy The Echinacea (Elcalion)
7 Column: Horoscopes (none in this issue)
8 Article: "What Really Happens in RC 4952!" Dafydd Illian, Constance Sims, Steve Dimond Starwind Rohana (herself; presumed)
9 Column: Letters to the Editors Page Three; a missing partner (presumably X) Kelin (unknown); Arya Dragon (insanegrrl)
10 Editorial: "Missing Agents – What Aren't Upstairs Telling Us?" Shtatil (DBS) and 15 others, Marquis de Sod Estelnar Celebduin (Starwind Rohana)
11 Column: Lust Object of the Month Mara Jade, Star Wars
12 Column: Adverts PPC recruitment poster, Sunflower Official, Legolas, you (Tungsten Monk)
13 Adverts, cont. PPC: Lost in the Multiverse computer game (but not that Computer Game) (Keily)
13 Adverts, cont. The Console, Version 6.2222176 (Keily)
13 Adverts, cont. The Personal Portable Console (Discontinued Model) (Keily)

Issue Three[]

The May 2006 issue featured two cover stories: one asking about the HQ Pool ('Does it really exist?'), and one claiming to expose the 'secrets of the Plants' – namely, that the Marquis de Sod has 'a few bends in his stem'. This issue was also the first to feature horoscopes.

Multiverse Monitor May 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover HQ Pool, Marquis de Sod Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Interview: "The HQ Pool – Real or Myth?" HQ Pool, Agents Unn Lyeklea and Simon Jones (DF), Bomibur C. (Coffeecup)
3 Page Three Narto Telyan (Huinesoron)
4 Article: "My Partner Vanished!" Salamander, Kayleigh Leonard Starwind Rohana (herself)
5 Article: "Legolas Glomped by Crazed Assassin!" Legolas, Agents Ori and Occid N'Tal (?), Twist (FicPsych), hyperlustein disorder (Rez Montrose)
6 Column: Letters to the Editors Boredom; payment (lack of) Anonymous; M. Karth (Starwind Rohana, presumed)
7 Article: "Marquis de Sod Has Bends In His Stem" Marquis de Sod, kink Agent Arthme (Rez Montrose)
8 Column: Horoscopes Western zodiac (Luthien)
9 Foreign Correspondence: "The Fight for Fictional Rights Continues" Mara, Isaiah, Quen, Marquis de Sod, World One, mail The Uncommon Comma (Araeph)
10 Column: Lust Object of the Month Lord Elrond Starwind Rohana (herself; presumed)
11 Column: Adverts Belgium chocolate, RC 719 Agents L. Kathy and Reki (Starwind Rohana, presumed)

Issue Four[]

The June 2006 issue featured two cover stories: one describing the invasion of HQ by a (tiny) Dalek (made of pipecleaners), and one asking who was to replace the Wisteria as Head of Operations. This issue ran immediately after the 2006 invasion of Headquarters.

Multiverse Monitor June 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Daleks, Wisteria Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Article: "Bleeprin Derivatives: What Medical Doesn't Want You To Know" Bleeprin and Bleeprum, Anna Condor (DMS), the Echinacea, Riboflavin, Entropy, Scott Logan, Agents Libel and Slander (Legal) (Elcalion)
3 Page Three Starwind Rohana Estelnar Celebduin (Starwind Rohana)
4 Article: "Is There Life Outside HQ?" Headquarters, Doors into Headquarters, Cybele (DMS; Scientist) (LotRGenius Gen)
5 Article: "HQ Pool: Real or Myth?" HQ Pool, DoSAT, Makes-Things The Ninja (themself, presumed; collab with Delta Juliette)
6 Column: Letters to the Editors Legolas, The Movies Air of Mystery (herself)
7 Article: "The Dalek Invasion of Headquarters?" Daleks, Twist (FicPsych; Building Maintenance), Ori N'Tal (DMS), Flip Finley, Rez Montrose, Winston the Pipecleaner Dalek Agent Arthme (Rez Montrose)
8 Article: "New Head of Operations – Who's Replacing the Wisteria?" Department of Operations, the Wisteria, Crashing Down Starwind Rohana (herself)
9 Poster: "The Revealing and Shocking Effects of Lemonade!" Lemonade (CedarCopse? Coffeecup?)
10 Column: Lust Object of the Month Legolas Starwind Rohana (herself)
11 Column: Adverts Haldir's arrows, RC 8953 (unknown)
11 Adverts, cont. Dinosaur stomach acid, RC 89 (unknown)
11 Adverts, cont. Bleepsinthe, RC 5689 Agents Hastur and Ligur (unknown)

Issue Five[]

The July 2006 issue featured two cover stories: one about a 'Flower drug scandal' and the other about the launch of Fanfic Land.

Multiverse Monitor July 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Queen Anne's Lace (?), nude M/F slash pairing Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Article: "Flowers Entangled In Drug Scandal!" Flowers, improper use of pesticides and lemon-lime soda, Floating Hyacinth, Agent Hershey (Cafeteria Worker), anonymous Floater (Rez or nscangal)
3 Page Three Charlotte Deline (DBS) Starwind Rohana (herself)
4 Article: "Mystery Assassin Still At Large" Mystery Assassin, DIA, anonymous male officer, anonymous female assassins (Rez or nscangal)
5 Article: "The Fandom Returns" Fanfic Land, Agent Corinx (?), Jaycacia Thornbyrd's funeral, Sunflower Official, Jay Thorntree, Agent Mylar (?) Starwind Rohana (herself)
6 Column: Letters to the Editors Daleks Jared Calinson (Huinesoron)
7 Article: "The Mary Sue Conspiracy" Former Suvians in the PPC, Mary Sue Syndrome, impending doom? (Coffeecup)
8 Column: Horoscopes (none in this issue)
9 Column: Lust Object of the Month Éowyn Starwind Rohana (herself)
10 Column: Adverts Arsenic and Black Mamba venom, RC 2424 (unknown)

Issue Six[]

The August 2006 issue featured two cover stories: one about an assassin setting fire to several DBS response centers, the other about the rare, but not completely impossible, agent vacation.

Multiverse Monitor August 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Fire, Suicide & Diocletian Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Article: "Manic in Cafeteria Disturbance!" Cafeteria, Edward Hyde, Agent Iwa S. Thayer (?), Ginger, Lupeias, Jennifer Robinson, PPC Lounge Sussi Towt (Neshomeh)
3 Page Three Agent Gammut (Spoofmaster)
4 Article: "Assassin Burns Down Department of Bad Slash!" Unidentified green-haired female assassin, DBS, Janne "Click" McNichols (DIC), Agent Ducky (DBS) (Chevron?)
5 Article: "MM Reporter Thrown Out: Sue In Disguise!" Aeribella Windrunner, Agent Suicide, PPC Badfic Game Eledhiel (herself)
6 Travel: "the suicide (and Diocletian!) vacatoin albem" (sic) Vacation; Suicide and Diocletian; Überwald, The Disc; Ohio, The Outsiders Suicide and Diocletian (Tungsten Monk)
7 "the suicide (and Diocletian!) vacatoin albem" (sic), cont. Dr. Strangelove; Butte, Montana; Honey, I Shrunk the Kids; Woodstock; Dantooine orbit, Star Wars; Crystal Tokyo, Sailor Moon Suicide and Diocletian (Tungsten Monk)
8 Column: Letters to the Editors (none in this issue)
9 Article: "Agents on the London Underground" World One, Agents Fingal and Wilkins (DMS), Sunflower Official Estelnar (Starwind Rohana)
10 Column: Lust Object of the Month Anakin Skywalker Starwind Rohana (herself)
11 Column: Adverts Bleepsinthe and Bleepesteem, RC 803, seafood (Chevron?)
11 Adverts, cont. Sue scalps, RC 609, chocolate, alcohol, shiny objects (Chevron?)

Issue Seven[]

The September 2006 issue's two cover stories were about weapons fashion and the continuing exploits of the Mystery Assassin.

Multiverse Monitor September 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Pointy objects, Mystery Assassin Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Poem: "Ode to Bleeprin" Bleeprin (Coffeecup)
3 Page Three Agent Pyro (DF - Plothole Division); Lizzy Fisher, his partner Agent Arthme (Rez)
4 Article: "Mystery Assassin Still At Large?" Mystery Assassin, Agents Joan and Symphony (Dept. Rare Fandoms), rookie agent Atropos, Dr. McKenzie (FicPsych), Constance Sims, Agent Suicide, Sunflower Official, Marquis de Sod, Peter Piper, Agent Bertie (Dept. Imaginary Objects), Fritz (Sorgebrunnen?), Agent Diocletian Agent Eris, Dept. Imaginary Objects (eris89)
5 Fashion: What Weapon? "Subjugation," That Series, uniforms Aphrodite Brown (Starwind?)
6 Column: "Things I Am Not Allowed to Do at the PPC" TIANATDATPPC Part I, 1-72 (Kippur and various Boarders)
7 "Things I Am Not Allowed to Do at the PPC" cont. TIANATDATPPC Part I, 73-144 (Kippur and various Boarders)
8 Column: Horoscopes (none in this issue)
9 Article: "FicPysch counselor's first date in two years interrupted by serious MSS case" Nurse SpringB (FicPsych), Agent Stu, Arwen, Mary Sue Syndrome, Agents Whitey and Cheek (DMS - LotR), Sunflower Official Zoe Black (herself)
10 Round-up: "The Wackiest Dares Ever Seen In HQ Or Out Of It!" Truth or Dare (Twiggy?)
11 Column: Lust Object of the Month Draco Malfoy
12 Column: Adverts (none in this issue)

Issue Eight[]

The October 2006 issue of the Multiverse Monitor was the Hallowe'en issue. It featured articles about elf abuse, Agent Sophia Cole's possession by a slash-wraith, fall fashion, and the opening of the Official Fanfiction University of Redwall.

Multiverse Monitor October 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Possessed person(?), wraith(?) Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Article: "Elf Abuse Reaches New Levels" Elves, elf abuse, Agents Joan and Symphony (DF), anonymous red-haired elf, mallorn-tree smut, FicPsych, Constance Sims, Bonsai Mallorn, whump, Agent Ithalond, Dafydd Illian, Dafydd & Constance's honeymoon Agent Eris (eris89)
3 Page Three Jennifer Robinson (Neshomeh)
4 Article: "Agents possessed in Bad Slash Fic!" Sophia Cole and Branwen Beaton (DMFF), slash wraith, Drizzt do'Urden, Legolas Lucy Norris (Sophia, a.k.a. twistdfateangel)
5 Fashion: Which Weapon? Snow coat, adamantium throwing-knives, Justin Agent, Age of Sail hand grenades Aphrodite Brown (Starwind?)
6 Interview: "Galadhrim: Exclusive Interview!" (no content)
7 Column: Letters to the Editors Tadkeeta, Tawaki Penguin, Maeluiwen Tawaki Penguin (himself)
8 Article: "Redwall Aquires OFU!" Official Fanfiction University of Redwall, Agent Laburnum Starwind/Estelnar (Starwind Rohana)
9 Round-up: "Hallow'een-y thing" (sic) TIANATDATPPC, Halloween (Gillespy)
10 Column: Lust Object of the Month Princess Leia Starwind/Estelnar (Starwind Rohana)
11 Column: Adverts (none in this issue)

Issue Nine[]

The November 2006 issue's two cover stories were about weapons, notably combustible phoenix-feather arrows, and a plague of kuribohs unleashed on HQ by Agents Logan and Entropy. This issue is the first not to include a Lust Object of the Month since Issue One.

Multiverse Monitor November 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Fire, bow and arrow, explosion, kuriboh Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Article: "The shocking effects of lemonade!" Lemonade, Simon Jones and Unn Lyeklea (DF) (Coffeecup)
3 Page Three Scott Logan (Elcalion)
4 Fashion: What Weapon? LEGO snow boots, phoenix-feather arrows, "elf glare guard" glasses clip-on, Justin Agent, existence of the DIO Aphrodite Brown (Starwind?)
5 Article: "Plague in HQ!!" ESAS party in RC 8.3145, Logan and Entropy, Elcalion, kuribohs, Keily Shinra, Medical, Gizka infestation of HQ, Agents Libel and Slander (Legal) (Elcalion)
6 Social: "Party Gossip!" ESAS party, BBQ, fashion, Twiggy Papaya, Agent Suicide, Bleeprin cocktails, Keily Shinra, Rez Montrose, Canon Cookies, Flip Finley, Agent Eris (Dept. Imaginary Objects), Hedgehog Song, food, alcohol
7 Filk: "Mary-Sues" Filk, "Stupid Girls" by P!nk Krystal (herself)
8 Announcement: "Song Contest!!!" Filk, PPC Holiday Filk Game? Starwind/Estelnar (Starwind)
9 Column: Obituaries Pet snake Sonic Ironfoot Twiggy (herself, presumed)
10 Round-up: "Things I Am Not Allowed to Use Psi Powers For at the PPC" Telepathy (Tawaki? Gillespy?), Jennifer Robinson (Neshomeh)
11 Article: "Early Christmas Article!" Christmas, Fanged Mistletoe, plot devices, Tothero Sayers and Eve Lockwood, Sunflower Official (Gillespy)

Issue Ten[]

The December 2006 issue included entries from a song contest, which may or may not have been related to the PPC Holiday Filk Game.

Multiverse Monitor December 2006 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover (duplicate of Issue 7's cover) Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Fashion: What Weapon? Arcanine-fur accessories, explosive milk and cookies Aphrodite Brown (Starwind?)
3 Page Three Terri Ryan Starwind/Estelnar (Starwind)
4 Article: "A study of Suethor Brain functions" Suethors, "science" (kitsune106?)
5 Interview: "Interview with a Vampire! Exclusive!" Agent Gil, Agents "Tam" Sangdor and Fynn Edoni Farrow (Fynn, presumed; maybe also Zoe?)
6 Song Contest Filk: "Deck the 'Sue" "Deck the Halls" (?)
6 Filk, cont.: "Hark, the 'Sue 'Green Day' Doth Sing" "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" (?)
6 Filk, cont.: "Jingle-Brain" "Jingle Bells" by John C. Pierpont (?)
6 Filk, cont.: "Fairytale of the Mary Sues" "Fairytale of New York" (?)
7 Column: Letters to the Editors Simon Jones (DF) Simon Jones (Coffeecup)
8 Column: Personal Ad RC 3372.7, Pon Farr Unknown male Vulcan (?)
9 Article: "Mad Agent Kills Nine Canons, Self" Jarre Jarre Hastursen, Stoneship Tayrime, Tawaki Penguin, Tangara Braxton, Nicholas Duval, Postal Department, insanity, murder (Tawaki)
10 Article: "Exclusive: The Truth About the One Ring" The One Ring, Sauron, Snaga (an Orc), Runya (an Elf of Mirkwood), Gollum, Gandalf Yggiwt (Twiggy)
11 Round-up: Things I Am Not Allowed to Do at the PPC, Part II TIANATDATPPC Part II (Tawaki? and various Boarders)
12 Column: Lust Object of the Month Maglor Fëanorian
13 Column: Adverts PPC chess set; Jane Haven's collected PPC execution methods, 2006 edition Leto Haven (himself)
13 Adverts, cont. Air freshener for Bleeprin, RC 106 Naomi (kitsune106)

Issue Eleven[]

The January 2007 issue featured cover stories about DOGA's acquisition of Sun Crushers and the abduction of agents by MM staff.

Multiverse Monitor January 2007 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Person being abducted; Sun Crusher Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Fashion: What Weapon? (no content)
3 Page Three Wayne Garamond (Gundamkiwi, presumed)
4 Article: "Department of Geographical Aberrations gets Sun Crushers" DOGA, Sun Crushers, T'Zar, Tadkeeta, DoSAT, Marrissa Picard (Tawaki, presumed)
5 Article: "How To Get A Day Off" Vacation, tribbles, DMFF, flamethrowers, DOGA, bad ideas, very bad ideas (?)
6 Column: Horoscopes Western zodiac (Starwind?)
7 Article: "The Protectors of Plot Continuum: Fact or Fiction?" Existence of the PPC, Kumori Tenki, PPC Lounge, original characters, authors, Lou, Narto Telyan (implied), Huinesoron (implied), Sunflower Official, meta Georgia Branch (Oozaru Angel)
8 Filk: "The Agent's List" "I've Got a Little List," The Mikado, Gilbert and Sullivan (Tawaki)
8 Filk, cont.: "Take a Pair of Wilver Eyes" "Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes," The Gondoliers, Gilbert and Sullivan (Tawaki)
9 Article: "The Surrealist Menace! Could YOU Be Next?" "Transitfish Syndrome," insanity, Agent Than Dropwater, Agents Auriga Goode and Specksynder "Speck" Macy, Agent Conqu (DF - Plothole Division), "Songfic Sickness," Nurse Twist (Medical), Marquis de Sod, Agent Agent Z'reth Sha (DIC), Logicillin, Doctor Fitzgerald Noah Tall (Rez Montrose)
10 Article: "Assassins Abducted! Investigation!" Missing agents, Estelnar Celebduin, Starwind Rohana, The Multiverse Monitor, Sunflower Official (Starwind...?)
11 Column: Lust Object of the Month Celebrían and Arwen
12 Column: Adverts Enchanted food, ski pole gadgets, Cafeteria The Eternal Newb (themself)

Issue Twelve[]

The twelfth issue was the March 2007 issue (February was skipped). Its cover featured the 'What Weapon?' column and a story about the Flowers allegedly censoring the Monitor.

Multiverse Monitor March 2007 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover Weapons; censored person Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Fashion: What Weapon? "Rose Tylernol," sparkly pink katana, 70s-aesthetic "golf set" with built-in gadgets Aphrodite Brown (Starwind?)
3 Page Three Kumori Tenki (Oozaru Angel, presumed)
4 Article: "LOs and Lust" Lust Objects, lust, Valentine's Day, lustin, Anti-Lustin, anonymous brown-eyed female agent (deceased), anonymous male agent, Jack Sparrow (Nscangal? Twiggy? Fynn? Gandalf the Beige?)
5 Article: "Missed deadlines and lack of material – or was it?" The Monitor's missed February edition, alleged suppression by the Flowers That Be (Nscangal? Twiggy? Fynn? Gandalf the Beige?)
6 Article: "Ballistics Would Disagree" Bad physics, crossbow, Suvians Agent Tatharien (Tasari)
7 Round-up: "Things I'm Not Allowed To Do in the PPC, Part Three" TIANATDATPPC Part III (Various Boarders)
8 Article: "A Cassowary for the Fan Righter (A Glossary for the Fan-writer) – Why Beta Readers Are Important" Spelling, beta readers, humor Agent A. Gallowglass (Tasari)
9 Column: Lust Object of the Month Ron Weasley
10 Column: Adverts Musical performance featuring various Muppets (Nscangal? Twiggy? Fynn? Gandalf the Beige?)
10 Adverts, cont. Cafeteria Workers, semi-edible foodstuffs (Nscangal? Twiggy? Fynn? Gandalf the Beige?)

Issue Thirteen[]

The April 2007 issue featured cover stories about the Sunflower Official's murder and experiments with Potterverse potions and Romulan Ale. This edition did not feature a Lust Object of the Month.

Multiverse Monitor April 2007 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover The Sunflower Official on fire; potion-brewing Starwind Rohana (herself)
2 Fashion: What Weapon? The "Sue Scrambler," the "Mega Mammoth Golem Gun" Aphrodite Brown (Starwind?)
3 Page Three Simon Jones (DF) (Coffeecup, presumed)
4 Article: "Murder in HQ!" SO Conspiracy Theory, DAVD Conspiracy Theory (Huinesoron?)
5 Article: "Brief Solution to 'FicVerse Children" Stormsong, Skyfire, Molly Rath, Moses Taggson, That Series, Doctor Fitzgerald, Nin Brandt, Luxury, the Nursery, Drake Agent Laburnum (herself)
6 List: "An Anonymous Agent's Top Ten Pet Peeves" (what it says) (?)
7 Article: "Masked Mystery Assassin Still At Large" Mystery Assassin, Agents Zed and Ypres, Agent Ange, Anti-Lustin, Sunflower Official, Agent Anon, Makes-Things, Agent Sydney (this Sydney?), Dr. Sue D. Nym (FicPsych) (?)
8 Article: "Romulan Ale's effect on Potterverse potion brewing" Romulan Ale, Harry Potter potions, Agent Orual, Gus McFerrin, "science" Agent Orual (Tawaki)
9 Column: Canon News Closure of a brothel in the Shades, Ankh-Morpork, Discworld (Gandalf the Beige?)

Issue Fourteen[]

The fourteenth issue was the June 2007 issue (May was skipped). It lacked a cover page. It featured articles about a response to the SO's murder, Agent Len's rampage in Death's domain, the Mystery Assassin being outed as a Gary Stu, coverage of Susan Sto Helit's wedding to Lobsang Ludd, and the announcement that the MM was going on hiatus.

Multiverse Monitor June 2007 Features
Page Feature Subject(s) Credit (and/or IRL credit)
1 Cover (blank)
2 Article: "Murder in HQ: Ye Saga Continues!" SO Conspiracy Theory, threats against the Sunflower Official and Marquis de Sod (Huinesoron?)
3 Page Three (no content)
4 Article: "Mad Agent Rampages in Death's Domain" Agent Len, Death, Discworld, Jennifer Robinson, Nathonea Dewstan, Doctor Fitzgerald, Timbledim, Bashir Hologram, Librarian, FicPsych Agent Cement (Tawaki)
5 Article: "Mystery Assassin a Gary Stu?" Mystery Assassin, Five of Six, Nicholas Duval, Kamkenta Duval, Zan Holbar, Jara Hamee (Tawaki)
6 Column: Canon News The wedding of Susan Sto Helit to Lobsang Ludd, Sto Lat, Discworld (Gandalf the Beige?)
7 Announcement from the Editors The intended six-month "hibernation" of the Monitor Starwind & Estelnar (Starwind)
8 Column: Adverts Dwarvish axes, RC 717 (Gandalf the Beige?)

The Magazine (2011-2014)[]

NMM 2013-04 cover

Cover for the April 2013 edition of the New Multiverse Monitor by Lily Winterwood.

The third version of the Multiverse Monitor was a news magazine. Its first known edition was released in April 2013 HST. Its editors worked out of RC 2536 and may or may not have operated under the pseudonyms Anon E. Maus and Nita Incog. In-universe, it has been in publication since 2011 HST, as the first published issue has feedback referencing articles in previous issues written. Its 2011 origins were as a 'sporadically printed newsletter',[7] but evidently the printing budget expanded between then and 2013.

Issue One[]

The April 2013 edition of the Multiverse Monitor had four cover stories:

It also included the first examples of two regular features:

Issue Two[]

The May 2013 edition had four cover stories:

  • The continued cleanup of HQ after the Blackout.
  • An upcoming distance learning programme for potential OFU writers, called OFU-squared.
  • A new species of Sue called the Sue Lord, and how the agents involved in its mission defeated it.
  • An interview with Thane Krios from Mass Effect, as a followup to a mission by Agents Xanthus, Anneli, and Cinderella.

Regular features include:

  • Canon Character of the Month: Spock
  • Canon Location of the Month: The Infinite Library, Nanohaverse

New features include:

  • Reviews by Stan Grayston of various artistic endeavours in HQ. In this issue, he reviews The Glorious Revolution, a stage adaptation of Night Watch that premièred on May 25, 2013.

Beware the Ides of March[]

An article from March 2014, reviewing A Troupe By Any Other Name's production of Julius Caesar.

Science Fiction Double Feature[]

An article from November 2014, reviewing the Troupe's Rocky Horror Picture Show performance.

Pantheon Special Edition[]

This version of the Monitor, now under the name New Multiverse Monitor, was still in operation in 2020. They produced a special edition dedicated to the appearance of a Pantheon of musically-inclined purported gods in HQ.

The Other Tabloid (2016-present)[]

The second tabloid incarnation of the Monitor came into existence by 2016,[8] in the form of various reporters asking questions more suited to the 2006 version than the magazine.

This version of the Monitor has released a mission statement:[9]


We here at the Multiverse Monitor are an elite team of journalists, dedicated to providing HQ with premium Multiverse Monitor content. As to how we were formed, there are several theories, one of which is that HQ is so warped that the rules of consensus reality can apply. That is to say, because a large group of agents more or less believe that there is a an organization called the Multiverse Monitor somewhere, publishing a magazine of dubious repute, the organization and the magazine have come into being, a sort of real-life amalgamation of the vision of the collective unconscious.

We accept payments in most currencies.

A Special Midweek Abbreviated Edition was published in July 2018, reporting on various salacious rumours.

In February 2019, they gave a 'Meet the PPC!' interview with many agents, who were definitely all real, living, and completely willing participants. At this time, Jennifer Robinson speculated that the "two Monitors" situation might be a publicity stunt by the original tabloid's editors to drum up new subscriptions,[10] but Estelnar Celebduin's response to the survey suggests otherwise.[11]

Agents Who Took the 'Meet the PPC!' Interview

The REAL Multiverse Monitor (2015-present)[]

RMM 2023-04

Cover for the April 2023 special edition of the REAL Multiverse Monitor by Huinesoron.

In 2015, Agents Starwind and Estelnar resumed publication of their tabloid. Starting out as a single-page newssheet,[12] by 2018 they were back to carrying out interviews and printing all the libel they could get their hands on.[13] They insist that theirs is the only true Multiverse Monitor, describing it as 'REAL',[14] but the official name of the production is still just The Multiverse Monitor.

They publish issues and specials at unspecified and possibly random intervals. Notably, since their revival they have not managed to successfully post a single Page Three photo, though this has not stopped them from trying.[15]

Postcards from New Caledonia[]

A March 2022 special in which Starwind and Estelnar raid the Postal Department and publish random people's mail. Journalism!

All-HQ Boat Race[]

A June 2022 issue covering the All-HQ Boat Race, as well as favourite topics such as Agent Dafydd, conspiracies, and randomly fearing specific departments.

Baster Weekend Special!![]

An April 2023 issue devoted to a holiday that doesn't actually exist: the festival of GreyLadyBast.

A Doriathrin Night's Dream[]

A June 2023 issue dedicated to the latest production by A Troupe By Any Other Name.

Blank Sprite Edition[]

An October 2023 issue discussing the recently-declassified Blank Sprite incident.

Current and Former Known Staff[]

  • Nita Incog, Editor (Magazine)
  • Anon E. Maus, Editor (Magazine)
  • Stan Grayston, Entertainment Columnist/Critic (Magazine)
  • Nim de Cagny, Staff Writer/Critic (Magazine)
  • Arlen Terrag, Staff Writer (Magazine)
  • Stella Iter, Staff Writer (Magazine)
  • Starwind Rohana, Editor (2006 Tabloid)
  • Estelnar Celebduin, Editor (2006 Tabloid)
  • Various agents and staff, Guest Contributors (2006 Tabloid)


  1. Board post by Al's Waiter, 11 Feb 2014
  2. 'JAAKSONS: Tales of Vemi and Bjam' by Nenya, ca. 2003
  3. 3.0 3.1 'Multiverse Monitor: Issue 14' by Starwind Rohana, June 2007
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Great Chocolate Heist of '07 is apparently in the Monitor archives, but does not appear in issues 1-14.
  5. 5.0 5.1 'Springless Autumn' by Starwind, 8 Apr 2006
  6. 'Tabloid' by Huinesoron, 20 Mar 2006
  7. 'Bled-Stained Days at IAHF: Chapter 20' by Lily Winterwood, 11 Oct 2011
  8. Board Post, 25 November 2016
  9. Board Post by Thoth, 11 June 2018
  10. "Oh, for the love of love" by Neshomeh (as Jenni Robinson), 23 February 2019
  11. "A most reluctant response" by Huinesoron (as Estelnar Celebduin), 25 February 2019
  12. 'What Has Been Seen: Steve & Tango' by Huinesoron, 20 Sep 2015
  13. 'Talk Like 15 Pirates' by Huinesoron, 20 Sep 2018
  14. Board post by Huinesoron, 9 Apr 2023
  15. 'Multiverse Monitor: June 2022' by Huinesoron, 20 Jun 2022