The Hunger Games is a young adult trilogy written by Suzanne Collins. It takes place in a future dystopia called "Panem," where after a revolution, the city known as "the Capitol" now rules over the twelve Districts. In order to prove their hold over the Districts, every year the Capitol holds an event called the Hunger Games, in which a boy and girl from each District are randomly chosen, sent to the Capitol, and forced to fight to the death for the Capitol's amusement. The books follow the life of Katniss Everdeen, a native of District Twelve, as she volunteers for the Games, survives, and proceeds to lead a revolution.
There was also a prequel book and movie detailing the early experiences of the films' main antagonist, Coriolanus Snow, in the Tenth Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games and the PPC[]
PPC HQ Hunger Games[]
The PPC has hosted its own Hunger Games, sponsored by Radio Nutmeg and Nutmeg TV, using holodeck-simulated arenas and, naturally, simulated deaths. Due to irregularities in the time-space continuum, the second, third, and fourth seasons of the PPC HQ Hunger Games took place in 2016. The first appeared only as a mention in a PPC badfic on Fanfic World, but since the real Agent Dawn McKenna was involved, it is presumed to have actually happened. More or less.
- The First PPC HQ Hunger Games
- Took place in September 2013.
- "Game of Romes," Chapter 2, by DuskWater
- The Second PPC HQ Hunger Games
- Took place in January 2016.
- Automated Event Feed as posted by Iximaz
- Radio Nutmeg broadcast transcript by Huinesoron
- The Third PPC HQ Hunger Games
- Also took place in January 2016.
- Nutmeg TV broadcast transcript compiled by Huinesoron, with commentary from Aya and Kuroko by Sergio Turbo and comments from various agents by their respective authors.
- Awards ceremony and afterparty RP on T-Board
- The Fourth PPC HQ Hunger Games
- Took place in September 2016.
- Nutmeg TV broadcast transcript by Huinesoron, with comments from various agents by their respective authors.
- The Fifth PPC HQ Hunger Games
- Took place in April 2017.
- Nutmeg TV broadcast transcript by Huinesoron, with comments from various agents by their respective authors.
- The Sixth PPC HQ Hunger Games
- Took place in April 2022.
- Nutmeg TV broadcast transcript by OrangeFox, with comments from various agents by their respective authors. Also contains some sub-transcripts written by Sierpinski.
Agents Native to this Continuum[]
Missions in this Continuum[]
- "Zero-Sum Game," Agents Evangeline von Lilith and Rayner Blitzkrieg (DMS)