It would be nice if this article explained how the CICs are derived so that others might do the same. ~Neshomeh 22:48, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
Good idea.Laburnum 14:45, May 28, 2010 (UTC)
The trios of letters and the numbers I selected at random. Tawaki 16:28, May 28, 2010 (UTC)
I will make a note to that effect. Also, how about this for Tolkienverse: JRR-5455-379-JT, possibly with -H for The Hobbit, -L for The Lord of the Rings, and -S for The Silmarillion? ~Neshomeh 17:05, May 28, 2010 (UTC)
What if there's more than one creator? For example, Gorillaz are a co-effort between Jamie Hewlett the cartoonist and Damon Albarn the main voice actor. Do both sets of initials get used at the end?Laburnum 18:08, May 28, 2010 (UTC)
- Coming back to this after the edit; I don't think either Hewlett or Albarn can really be described as having "top billing", it's a joint effort thing. If I use the initials of each of their surnames, would that work? (I do know what the number sequence should be: 2323-666. 23 is apparently an important number in the mythos of the canon, and the band got their start with a little infernal help, hence the 666.) Laburnum 19:40, May 28, 2010 (UTC)
- Makes sense to me. *shrug* (Incidentally, for Tolkien: the three letters are obvious, I should hope, but the first four numbers are for 1954-55, when LotR was published, and 379 for the various sets of Rings and other important artifacts that come in those numbers.) ~Neshomeh 17:41, June 7, 2010 (UTC)
As for the one CIC I've edited (Star Wars), I came up with the numbers using THX-1138 (George Lucas' running joke/reference), plus 525 for May 25 (the date of the original movie release) and George Lucas' initials.El calion 11:46, June 7, 2010 (UTC)
For Pern: ATG for the first initials of Anne McCaffrey's children (Alec, Todd, and Georgeanne); 6710 for 1967 October, when Weyr Search (the first part of what became Dragonflight) was originally published; 728 for Rukbat's number in the Catalogue of Fundamental Stars; and of course AM for Anne McCaffrey. ~Neshomeh 02:29, June 15, 2020 (UTC)