PPC Wiki

On the Sonic Universe[]

Re. CourtlyHades296's latest edit, I'm not sure whether a new canon installment of a series can be said to have damaged itself. You may not like it, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. Has it introduced plotholes? Canon Sues? Any other hallmarks of bad writing that would justify the assertion that the latest installments have damaged the canon?

Or has it perhaps introduced a whole new timeline, or a separate sub-continuum, removed from (and thus unable to damage) the original installment(s)? If comics are anything to go by, the mere existence of myriad spin-offs, alternate universes, and media adaptations of a franchise, even if there are some (or many!) bad ones, does not necessarily hurt the integrity of the franchise as a whole. E.g., there are some terrible Batman stories, but Batman is still cool and highly respected.

~Neshomeh 22:04, June 15, 2017 (UTC)
