Star Trek: The Original Series (originally simply titled Star Trek) first aired in 1966. Set in the twenty-third century (the year 2265), it focuses on the cowboy-like adventures of Captain Kirk, the crew of the first Enterprise, and their five-year space mission. The series only lasted three years before being cancelled, but gained popularity during subsequent re-runs, and eventually, six movies were made. It also spawned an animated series (and a good handful of sequel and prequel shows) and is the basis for the 2009 Star Trek reboot (also called AOS, Alternate Original Series, or NuTrek).
Important Characters[]
Captain James T. Kirk[]
The captain of the USS Enterprise. Charismatic and intelligent, Kirk has a tendency to pull off improvised plans, which frequently involve some bluffing. Kirk cares for his crew; among them, his closest friends are Spock and Dr. McCoy (whom he calls 'Bones'). Throughout the series, Kirk shows himself willing to risk his own life for the safety of his ship, friends, and crew. Spock is the main person he seems to hold more important than the Enterprise itself; the two rely on each other and have such a close relationship on the show that, in fandom, it originated the term "slash" (from Kirk/Spock, "Kirk-slash-Spock", which was a popular ship).
James T. Kirk on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by William Shatner in TOS, and Chris Pine in AOS.)
Commander Spock[]
Spock is the son of Vulcan Ambassador Sarek and human teacher Amanda Grayson. In the expanded universe, his full name is S'chn T'gai Spock. His duality, as half-human and half-Vulcan, is a fairly consistent underlying focus of his and of the series. Kirk and McCoy, particularly the latter, frequently attempt to get him to admit to his more human reactions, such as looking out for his friends, while Spock himself generally attempts to keep his focus on Vulcan values, at least on the surface. He frequently plays 3D chess with Kirk. In speech, he has a tendency to term things "fascinating", and give very specific numerical estimates. His ability to raise one eyebrow is also well-known (and frequently used); in AOS, he raises his left eyebrow instead of his right. Spock does his very best to control his emotions and act according to logic, though this is not always the case even when he claims it is. Physiologically, he seems to be more Vulcan than human: he is a touch telepath, very strong, has pointed ears and slanted eyebrows, his internal organs are configured differently (most importantly, his heart is where a human's liver would be), and his blood is green rather than red. The primary human influence comes through in emotions.
Spock on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Leonard Nimoy in TOS, and Zachary Quinto in AOS.)
Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy[]
Leonard "Bones" McCoy on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed DeForest Kelley in TOS, and Karl Urban in AOS.)
Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott[]
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by James Doohan in TOS, and Simon Pegg in AOS.)
Lieutenant Nyota Uhura[]
Uhura on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Nichelle Nichols in TOS, and Zoe Saldana in AOS.)
Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu[]
Hikaru Sulu on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by George Takei in TOS, and John Cho in AOS.)
Ensign Pavel Chekov[]
Pavel Chekov on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Walter Koenig in TOS, and Anton Yelchin in AOS.)
Captain Christopher Pike[]
Christopher Pike on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Jeffrey Hunter and Sean Kenney in TOS, Bruce Greenwood in AOS, and Anson Mount in Star Trek: Discovery.)
Characters Specific to TOS[]
Nurse Christine Chapel[]
Christine Chapel on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Majel Barrett, who also voiced the ship's computer, among several other eventual roles.) Nurse Chapel is referenced multiple times in the AOS films, but does not appear.
Yeoman Janice Rand[]
Janice Rand on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Grace Lee Whitney.)
Characters Specific to Reboot[]
Spock Prime[]
Spock Prime on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Leonard Nimoy.)
Nero on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Eric Bana.)
John Harrison[]
John Harrison on Memory Alpha. (Portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch.)
The Animated Series[]
Star Trek: The Animated Series was launched in 1973, following the cancellation of the Original Series. It features all the major characters of the first show, and the voices of the original actors. This series lasted two years before being cancelled and is not always considered a proper part of Star Trek canon.
The 2009 Reboot[]
In 2009, in an attempt to "reboot" the Trek franchise (which had produced no new material since the cancellation of Enterprise in 2005), an eleventh feature film (generally known as Star Trek: 2009 or Star Trek: Reboot) was made with new actors playing the roles of the Original Series characters, set in the year 2255, when most of them were attending Starfleet Academy. It was a great success, and because the plot revolves around a time-travel incident that created an alternate universe in 2233, it allows for sequels. The first of these, Star Trek Into Darkness, was released in 2013. A second sequel, Star Trek Beyond, came out in 2016.
Star Trek: TOS and the PPC[]
PPC agents should note that it is this series which is responsible for the Redshirt Effect, as it was very common for nameless security officers (who wore red uniforms in this era) to accompany Kirk and other lead characters on the away mission of the week, and promptly die to illustrate how dangerous the situation was.
Both types of Star Trek minis, mini-tribbles and mini-Gorn, come from famous TOS episodes.
Missions in this Continuum[]
All reports are listed alphabetically by agent name, in the case of agents with multiple missions, or by mission name.
- Agents Infinity and Lócë (DMS - Rare Fandoms)
- "First Mission!" (TOS x Star Wars)
- "The Europa Incident" (TOS)
- "The CMO's Daughter" (Star Trek: 2009), Agents Sedri and Marsha
- "Dragon Surprise" (TOS), Agents Tawaki, Hul Choka, and Iskillion (DF)
- "(Look at me) Looking in your eyes" (Star Trek: 2009), Agents Trojanhorse and Paddlebrains (DBS)