Agent Rhysdux is an assassin in the Department of Mary Sues, Buffyverse Division, and a member of the staff at the Official Buffy and Angel Fanfiction University, where she teaches Grammar Boot Camp. She was written by Rhysdux.
Agent Profile[]
Rhysdux is one of several Buffyverse agents who have their offices in the staff castle at OBAFU, which is connected to Headquarters by means of a trans-dimensional elevator protected from unauthorized access by a powerful SEP field. She is good friends with HonorH (better known as Miss H) and works closely with her. Rhysdux's poem "Sues: Identifying the Species" was included in one of Miss H's lessons. Rhysdux also helps Coach Gyrus conduct Grammar Boot Camps and grade tests between missions.
Her original partner Liosleith, a Tolkien purist, snapped while PPCing a Willow/Legolas/Mary Sue hurt/comfort fic. HonorH helped her out on one mission while she was sans partner. After that, she worked with Ginmar of the DAVD to take down a horrifically urple Sue called Baby, contracting urple fever in the process. When she recovered, she was officially partnered with Honorificus, HonorH's newly embodied demonic alter-ego.
She doesn't seem particularly attached to her own physical appearance, since the looks of her disguises vary from mission to mission—especially when Honorificus lends a hand.
Alongside Miss H and other staff members of the Official Buffy and Angel Fanfiction University, Rhysdux took part in the Battle of the Canon at the Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy following the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on June 21, 2003.
Mission Reports[]
Home: Buffyverse Division of the PPC
Between Partners[]
- "Sabella" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), with HonorH, June 2003
- "Highway to Hell" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), with Agent Ginmar (DAVD), June 2003
Partnered with Honorificus[]
- "Family ReUnion" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), July 2003
- "The Life Angel and Buffy Never Had" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), August 2003
- "The Ultimate Slayer," September 2003:
Other Appearances[]
- Official Buffy and Angel Fanfiction University, 2003
- Rhysdux pops up frequently throughout the story, which runs concurrently with her mission reports.