PPC Wiki

Muriel Shieh (formerly Muriel Watson), born September 10, 2012, is the daughter of a Mary Sue rescued on a BBC Sherlock mission by Eledhwen and Christianne. She languished in the Nursery for several years before Eledhwen and Christianne formally adopted her after their marriage in 2016.

Muriel was named so because of phonetic similarity to the Quenya name Míriel. She is also nicknamed Miri, and in Chinese her name is 谢迷莉, or Shieh Mi-Li.

Muriel has sandy blonde hair and a couple missing teeth, which will hopefully grow in soon. She likes pink and unicorns, because one does not have to be a Sue to enjoy pink and unicorns.

She is also known to be 'rambunctious', frequently 'acting out' by getting into fights with her classmates at Digory Kirke Elementary.

Her adoptive brother is John Tsai, another one of Eledhwen and Christianne's rescues (term lightly used).

