Agent Mortic Wentway is a member of the Department of WhatThe, formerly a member of the Department of Mary Sues. He is written by Huinesoron.
Prior to joining the PPC, Mortic was a member of an organisation known only as 'the Order.' Precisely what this is is unknown, but it is able to confer significant powers on its members, up to and including immortality. Mortic's exact age is also unknown (although his body is aged around twenty-one), but in his reminiscings he has previously let slip that he worked with the Order to sort out the hassle over The Exodus, and that this is not his earliest memory.
Radio Plays[]
In the PPC Playscripte Radio Play, Mortic was voiced by Huinesoron.
Mission Reports[]
Mortic's missions with the DMS are not recorded.
Home: Huinesoron's Webplex, listed under "Department of WhatThe"
Mortic also appears in the Reorganisation and Crashing Down sagas, and the three PPC Playscripts (scroll down).
Partnered with Elanor Laison[]
- "One Night" (link missing)
- What went before.
- "Finding Finduyn"
- A return from death.
- "Launch"
- A new department is founded.
- "Dochainn Nam Blàir Trauma Of War" (Lord of the Rings)
- A first mission, with major headaches.
- "Surrender to my Love" (The Bible)
- The DW encounter Bible fanfic.
- "Blackest Knight" (Monty Python)
- How is a Monty Python 'Sue even possible?
- "Arbitrary" (interlude)
- Legal sends a message.
- "Nursery" (interlude)
- Originally written as a Ten Years Hence story, this became canon in 2018.
- "Ten Years Now" (interlude)