Nurse Lillian specializes in treating agents with unusual (for the PPC) biologies. Agents who are not human, furry, or of LotR origins are her special purview.
Not much is known about her yet, but she is the adoptive mother of Rick and Reuben, whom she helped rescue from being eaten by their evil Sue-Wraith-thing sibling during the mission to "Sateda." She is well-versed in Wraith biology and has a lot of experience treating Agent Kelok.
- "Headaches" (Sherlock Holmes), Agent David Kelok (DF)
- Her first appearance, unnamed.
- "The PPC Presents: A Day Off" (interlude)
- Her first named appearance, treating Agent Unger for burns and smoke inhalation. Continues directly from "Headaches."
- "Victorian Zombie Apocalypse," Part 1, Part 2 (Sherlock Holmes), Agents Kelok and Unger (DF)
- "Not Dead Yet" (NSFW/NSFB) (Stargate SG-1), Agents Miah Arthur and Cali Still (DMS) with Agents Kaliel/Maeryn (DBS)
- "All Hail the Ironic Overpower!" (NSFW) (Sherlock Holmes), Agents Kelok and Unger (APD)
- "Sateda," Part 1, Part 2 (Stargate Atlantis), Agent Miah (DMS) with Agent Cadmar (DF)
- Lilian tags along for Part 2.
- "Re-Run" (Burn Notice), Agents Miah and Cali (DMS)