PPC Wiki


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Kaisei - see Uminari, Ōtsu no
  • Karasunaki ("Naki") - DF - Mariella - Mad Eddy - Spin-off
    • A former Sue "humanoid sword-thing."
  • Karlyle - unknown - unknown - unknown - Article
    • This character may have been invented by Tungsten Monk, but given the context it's likely they belonged to someone whose name has been lost.
  • Katherine Lavinia Penguin - child - N/A - Tawaki - Appearance
    • Born May 2009. Katherine lives with her parents, Tawaki and Tadkeeta Penguin, and twin brother Arlian in the Generic Sci-fi continuum where they retired.
  • Keitaro - DMS - Fireblade - Fireblade K'Chona - Spin-off
  • Kelin - unknown - unknown - unknown - Article
  • Kelok - see David Kelok
  • Kern - see Bryndan Kern
  • Kos-Mos - APD, The Covenant Division - Amanita Jackson - KosMos - Spin-off


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • L. Kathy - unknown - Reki - unknown - Article
    • Kathy and Reki may have been invented by Starwind Rohana or may have belonged to someone else c. May 2006.
  • Lainduilien - Nursery (child) - Iximaz and Zingenmir - Rescue
    • Female Movieverse Tolkien Elf, blonde-haired and blue-eyed.
  • Lee - see Amelia Keaton
  • Lha - DF - Chryse - Oracle/Lhachel - Journal
    • Being treated at FicPsych.
  • Ligur - unknown - Hastur - unknown - Article
    • Agents Ligur and Hastur pedaled Bleepsinthe out of RC 5689 in June 2006.
  • Lillibette Maryvonne Jackson - see Jackson
  • Lisa Webber - see Elysa Webber
  • Liu Siyuan - in this Chinese name, the family name is Liu. Please see Section S.
  • Logan - see Scott Logan
  • Loren Blue - DMS, Sub-department of Rare Fandoms - Amelia Hayward - Caribbean Blue - Spin-off
  • Luana Starlight - DMS - Orange Plaid - Luana Starlight - Spin-off
    • Luana and Orange are sisters.
  • Luthy - DMS, LotR Division (probably) - Sil - Luthy/Luthienelflover - Spin-off


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • M. Karth - unknown - unknown - unknown - Article
    • Karth may have been invented by Starwind Rohana or may have belonged to someone else c. May 2006.
  • Maeryn - see Kaliel/Maeryn
  • Mal - see Kaliel/Maeryn
  • Mallas - N/A - N/A - Adoptable - Rescue
  • Mary Dill - DMS, Bleeding Hearts Unit - Rosemary - Oracle/Lhachel - Spin-off
  • McKenzie, Dr. - FicPsych - N/A - eris89 - Article
    • This is most likely a surname; given name unknown.
  • Mercuria Ziggy Stardust - constantly changing - none - Mercuria Stardust - Spin-off
  • Mervin - DMS, Harry Potter Division - Hyde - Das Mervin - Spin-off
    • Also worked with OFU versions of Severus Snape and Sheldon Sands.
  • Miles Walkalot - unknown - unknown - WyldeHorse - Article
  • Mithrenriene "Myth" Rochmabriel - DMS - Isabel Stanton - those vaguely akin to humanity - Spin-off
  • Molly - N/A - Fin Sharkley - chem_nerd - Spin-off
  • Munehisa - see Kaguya Hazama
  • Mylar - unknown - unknown - Starwind Rohana - Article
  • Mylissa - DoCH (defunct) - unknown - Huinesoron - Appearance
    • Snapped and went insane. Has been seen roaming HQ seeking caffeine.


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Nel Lemon - DMS, HP Division - Jenn Wren - Treeofdoooom - Spin-off
  • Nicholas Rischio - DIA, Patrol Division - N/A - Ekyl - Appearance
    • Nicholas is a 25-year-old from California.
  • Ninja, The - unknown - unknown - The Ninja - Article
    • The Ninja wrote an investigative report about the HQ Pool for the Multiverse Monitor c. June 2006. (Their author's name is a guess based on context.)
  • Nume - see Supernumerary


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Orange Plaid - DMS - Luana Starlight - Luana Starlight - Spin-off
    • Orange and Luana are sisters.
  • Oshimo - see Shimo Manazuru
