- Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
- Notes, if they don't have a page.
- Fáelán Portavius - DF - Helena and Sheen - KnShirayuki - Spin-off
- Faelwen Tathariel - Department of Internal Affairs, Special Response Division - Agent Ketevan (supervisor) - Mirage Fontane - Origin
- Falchion - Floaters - Rashida Mafdetiti and Velociripper - SkarmorySilver - Spin-off
- Fearn - DTO - Melpomene - Tawaki - Appearance
- Fearn is a humanized Strategist Dalek. He was unnamed in his only current appearance; his name was found by consulting his creator.
- Fern, The - Legal, Dept. Head - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Appearance
- Fern, potted, the - FicPsych, hanger-on - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin Appearance
- FFeathers - DCPS - N/A - Flamingo Feathers - Appearance
- Filus - see Fáelán Portavius
- Fin Sharkley - DMS, LotR - Aspen Green, Molly - chem_nerd - Spin-off
- Fiona Darcy - DF, SOD - Gilbert Beckett - KittyNoodles - Spin-off In case links on the archived page don't work, go here
- Fireblade - DMS - Keitaro - Fireblade K'Chona - Spin-off
- Adopted a pegasus unicorn colt child of a Mary Sue.
- Fittonia, The - DO, Janitor - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin
- Fitzgerald, Dr. - Medical, Dept. Head - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin
- Five of Six - DOGA - Tadkeeta Penguin - Tawaki - Appearance
- Fix - Floaters - The Carver - Astral Void - Spin-off
- Fix-It - DoSAT - N/A - Fireblade K'Chona - Appearance 1 2
- Was Makes-Things' one-time assistant, but has since retired.
- Floating Hyacinth, The - Floaters, Department Head - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Appearance
- Florestan - DIC - Eusabius - Herr Wozzeck - Spin-off
- Fox - Nursery (child) - N/A - doctorlit - Appearance 1 2
- An agent class student from Infamous, where he developed a fear of super-powered humans.
- Foxglove Official, The - APD, Department Head - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin Appearance 1 2
- Frances Grant - Floaters - Martin Carlini - PoorCynic, Anamia - Appearance (unnamed in-story) Home
- Frank - FicPsych, Dr. Freedenberg's secretary - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin (unnamed) Appearance
- Freckles - DBS - Sandra - Huinesoron - Spin-off (listed under Ambling Entertainment)
- Freedenberg, Doctor - FicPsych, Dept. Co-Head - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin
- Fr'sst - DO, Cafeteria Worker (kitchen cat) - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin Appearance
- Fujimoto - Medical, Nurse - Japanese cybertechnology expert - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Appearance
- Fynn- unknown - Gil and Sangdor - Fynn - Article
- Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
- Notes, if they don't have a page.
- Gaelon Morcaun - unknown - unknown - Artemis - Journal
- Gaelon refers to himself as Archer's brother.
- Gaius - civilian - N/A - Astral Void - Rescue
- Galeya Telcontar - Nursery (child) - N/A - Cassie Cameron-Young - Rescue Appearance (Ten Years Hence)
- Gall Knutson - DMS - Derik - Neshomeh - Recruitment Spin-off (from 3rd mission)
- Gaspard De Grasse - DoI - N/A - SeaTurtle - Spin-off
- Gast - DoP - N/A - Tungsten Monk - Article
- Gavin Potter-Snape-Aberforce - Nursery (child) - N/A - Adoptable NPC - Rescue, Appearance
- Gavin has a twin brother, Emmett. Both were rescued from the Legendary "Little Miss Mary." In 2016, Gavin aged from the one-year-and-a-bit he should have been to about seven and three quarters due to a stray time dilation.
- Gecka Fields - DMS, CATS Division - Ekwy Fields - Ekwy - Spin-off
- Geoffrey Carver - DoI - N/A - Lily Winterwood - Appearance
- George - DMS, Sailor Moon Division - Erica - Meg Thornton and Will - Appearance
- Georgia Branch - DF - Kumori Tenki - Oozaru Angel - Spin-off
- Gerry - DO, Building Maintenance - N/A - JulyFlame
- Gil - unknown - Fynn and Sangdor - unknown - Article
- Probably created by Boarder!Fynn, but it's unclear.
- Gilbert Beckett - DF, SOD - Fiona Darcy - KittyNoodles - Spin-off In case links on the archived page don't work, go here
- Gilbert Hawk - DMS - Kedri'Neref Hemelin - Tawaki - Appearance
- Gilbert Hawk is a live-in PPC agent for OFUMREDURE.
- Gilty Cin - PPC Radio, Host - unknown - Trojanhorse - Spin-off
- Ginger - DF - Gata - Oracle/Lhachel - Spin-off 1 2 3
- Goodfeel - DIA, Administration Division - N/A - Aster Corbett - Appearance
- Grace Leon - DF - Alison Malet - Astral Void - Spin-off
- Granjo - DBS - unknown - Tawaki Appearance
- Greenman, The - DoP - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Appearance 1 Appearance 2
- Greg - DMS - Julien - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin
- Guardsman, The (Emiranlanoamar) - DIA - Naya and Terabyte - SeaTurtle - Appearance
- Gunny MacDougal - DMS, Anime Division - Wayne Garamond - Gundamkiwi - Spin-off Appearance
- Gurnirel - DF, SIELU - Naergondir - Zingenmir - Appearance 1 2
- First Age Noldorin Elf, recruited in 2013.
- Gus McFerrin - DMS, Harry Potter Division - Orual - Tawaki - Appearance 1 2 3
- Gypsy Roberts - DBS - Cray - Trojanhorse - Spin-off
- Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
- Notes, if they don't have a page.
- Haar - see Harpoon
- Halley - BRD, LotR Division - Talia Nightsong - Bodldops - Spin-off (DMS)
- Hamelt - DTE - Rouge - Tomato - Appearance
- Hamelt died in the 2008 Mary Sue Invasion. After he succumbed to Suefluence and murdered three agents, his partner Rouge killed him to stop him from hurting anyone else.
- Hammertong - DMS, Myst Division - Tangara - Tawaki - Appearance
- Was driven completely mad by a Potterverse Draco Sue.
- Haneth - Nursery (child) - N/A - Rez Montrose - Appearance
- Haneth is an elfling in the care of Agents Pyro and Lizzie Fisher.
- Hannah Still Bellisario - Nursery (child) - N/A - Miah - Rescue Appearance
- Hannibal Hamlin - unknown - Kay - Guvnor Of Space - First Major Appearance
- First appeared here, technically, but he had no 'screen time.'
- Harlan - DoSAT - N/A - unknown - Appearance
- During the 2008 Mary Sue Invasion, he took revenge for the death of Makes-Things by killing the Yarrow with a flamethrower, but was then killed by the Yarrow's Dandelion bodyguard.[source, please!]
- Harmony - child - N/A - Akedhi - Appearance
- Harmony is Agent Threnody's young cousin.
- Harpoon - DRD - Rosalind - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin
- Harry - Nursery (child) - N/A - doctorlit - Appearance
- An agent training student from A Clockwork Orange who speaks Nadsat.
- Hastur - unknown - Ligur - unknown - Article
- Agents Hastur and Ligur pedaled Bleepsinthe out of RC 5689 in June 2006.
- Hazelhead - DIA - N/A - Huinesoron - Crashing Down
- Heal - DE (defunct) - Dead - unknown - Appearance
- Heather Warner - DF - Ted Williams - Lily-Gnome - Appearance 1, Appearance 2
- Helen Gale - DMSE&R - N/A - Lily Winterwood - Appearance
- Helen Still Bellisario - Nursery (child) - N/A - Miah - Rescue Appearance
- Helena - DF - Sheen and Fáelán Portavius - KnShirayuki - Spin-off
- Helena Rice - Nursery - N/A - Cassie Cameron-Young - Appearance
- Henry Asclepe - DF - Aiko Kimura - James Shields - Spin Off
- Henry Robinson - Nursery (child) - N/A - Neshomeh - Rescue Appearance 1 2 (Ten Years Hence)
- Hershey - Cafeteria Worker (part-time) - N/A - unknown - Article
- Hershey was probably created by either Rez Montrose or User:NscangalNscangal.
- Hild - DMS - Sean Bellman - Pippa's Ghost - Spin-off
- Himrod - DMS - unknown - Ekyl - Appearance
- Himrod retired to the Tolkienverse in 2007.
- Honorificus - DMS, BtVS Division - Rhysdux - Rhysdux and HonorH - Spin-off
- Hust Twins - DIA, Administration Division - themselves - Huinesoron - Reorganisation Crashing Down
- Hyde - DMS, Harry Potter Division - Mervin - Mrs. Hyde - Spin-off
- Also worked with OFU versions of Severus Snape and Sheldon Sands.
- Hydrangea, The - Despatch, Dept. Head - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Appearance
- Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
- Notes, if they don't have a page.
- Ian Nahinu - DMS - Lee - Pretzel - Spin-off
- Ian Thomas Horowitz - Nursery (child) - N/A - Adoptable NPC - Rescue
- Ibis - DO, Building Maintenance - N/A - JulyFlame
- Ichi - N/A - N/A - Free-to-use NPC - Origin
- A mini-daruma adopted by Agent Kaguya, but wanders the HQ due to free-spirited personality.
- Igor - Medical - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin Appearance 1 2 3
- Imbolc Telyan - Finance - none - Huinesoron - Reorganisation
- Died in the Reorganisation, but has since reappeared as a ghost.
- Inasuke Akagashi - DF - Urato Tomiyama - KnShirayuki - Spin-off
- India - DAVD - Penny - Huinesoron - Crashing Down
- Died in the Crashing Down event.
- Iohann Ironwhisker - N/A - N/A - KnShirayuki - Appearance 1 2
- Irvine - DIA - N/A - Artemis - Spin-off
- Shares a character journal with Dúros Black.
- Isabel Stanton - DMS - Mithrenriene Rochmabriel - those vaguely akin to humanity - Spin-off
- Isabel is fluent in French, and speaks it in times of stress.
- Iskillion-Galuit-Elendil - Floaters - unknown - Tawaki - Spin-off (Episodes 8–14)
- Isolde Van - DMS - Palaver - Huinesoron - Reorganisation
- Died in the Reorganisation.
- Ithalond - DMS - Suicide - Tungsten Monk - Recruitment Spin-off 1 2
- Ix - ESAS - Charlotte Webb - Iximaz - Spin-off
- Iza - DBS - Oscar Henson - Sedri, Trojianhorse - Spin-off 1 2
- Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
- Notes, if they don't have a page.
- Jack - DMS - Caleb Cooper - PitViperofDoom - Appearance 1 (NSFW) 2
- A Left 4 Dead Hunter zombie given sapience by badfic. He glomps.
- Jack Riggs - Floaters - The Detective - Aegis - see article for spin-off
- Jacob Sullivan - DIA, Patrol Division - N/A - Ekyl - Appearance
- Jacques Bonnefoy - ESAS - N/A - Zingenmir - Appearance
- Jake - DIA - Callahan - Ellipsis Flood - Origin
- James Fairchild - DoSAT, Testing and Application Division - Narcolepsy - WarriorJoe - Appearance 1 2 3
- James Henderson - Personnel, Trainee - none - Meta - Appearance
- James Henson Pendragon - Nursery (child) - N/A - Trojanhorse and Paddlebrains - Rescue (NSFW)
- Jane - DMS - Kwennyfer - Lumarele - Spin-off
- She is short and dark-haired and likes to wear a trench coat.
- Jane Doe - Floaters - Jason Harris - Calista - Spin-off
- Jane Haven - N/A - N/A - Leto Haven - Article Appearance
- Jane is Leto Haven's wife and co-owner of the General Store. She also publishes annual editions of a book detailing PPC assassination methods.
- Jann Pablum - FicPsych - N/A - Neshomeh - Appearance
- Died in the Macrovirus Epidemic.
- Jared Calinson - DMS - unknown - Huinesoron - Appearance
- Jareth - DOGA - Takua - Huinesoron - Spin-off (listed under Nightstalkers)
- Jarre Jarre Hastursen - DMS - Stoneship - unknown - Appearance
- Jason Allen - Nursery (child) - N/A - JulyFlame
- Jason Harris - Floaters - Jane Doe - Calista - Spin-off
- Jasper - DMS - unknown - o0-Key-0o - Spin-off
- Jasper had a partner and a mini-Balrog, but since only the first chapter of her spin-off was archived, their identities are lost.
- Jaster - DMS - Threnody - Jaster - Spin-off
- Was driven mad by Honesah Hoononee Keemo in 2004.
- Jay Thorntree - DMS, LotR Division - Acacia Byrd - Jay and Acacia - The Original Series
- Retired in 2003.
- Jeanlily - DMS, LotR Division - Twain - Agent Jeanlily - Spin-off In case links on the archived page don't work, go here
- Jeannine Guiles - DMS, Sci-Fi/Steampunk Division - Orken 7861 - Guvnor Of Space
- Jeannine currently resides in FicPsych.
- Jeeves - see Geoffrey Carver
- Jenka - DBS - Chalk - Firebird766 - Spin-off
- Jenn - Nursery (child) - N/A - Oracle/Lhachel - Appearance
- Jenn is one of the first children born into HQ. She was in "agent training" in 2003. Presumably, she is now an active agent.
- Jennifer Robinson - FicPsych - N/A - Neshomeh - Appearance 1 2
- Jessie Reynolds - Personnel, Trainee - none - Meta - Appearance 1 2
- Jiashu - DMS, Halo Division - Jake - Maslab - Appearance
- Jicky - Floaters - Jet - Jicky - Spin-off, Appearance
- Jill Greenleaf - DMS - Redd - insanegrrl - Spin-off
- Jira Foley - DMS, PotC Division - Shmuckleigh - Megan@Midnight - Spin-off
- Jodi - Floaters - Nadine Moreno - Anity - Spin-off In case links on the archived page don't work, go here
- Joe - Medical, pharmacy - N/A - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin
- Joe Bob Brentwood - DMS, HP Division - Zaneth - Architeuthis - Appearance 1 2
- Formerly of the X-Files Division.
- Jof - DO, Cafeteria Worker - Mohan and Lyn - Vixenmage - Appearance 1 2
- John Tsai - MRD (Research Subject) - N/A - Lily Winterwood - 'Rescue'
- Jon - DCPS, Sméagol - N/A - aoe_knight - Appearance
- Jonathan Rosedale - DO, Building Maintenance - N/A - JulyFlame
- Jones - DoSAT, technician - N/A - Delta Juliette - Appearance
- Jones - Postal Department, head clerk - N/A - WarriorJoe - Appearance
- Josephine - DBS - Anya and Suzay - Free-to-Use NPC - Appearance
- Anya's final partner, who died during the Mysterious Somebody's takeover.
- Judy - Floaters - NytBloomer - NytBloomer - Spin-off
- Judy is a golden retriever. Thanks to her home badfic, she has the powers of sapience, speech, and sarcasm.
- Julien - DMS - Greg - Free-to-Use NPC - Origin
- Justin Agent - DIO - N/A - Huniesoron - Spin-off (listed under Not the DIO)