PPC Wiki


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Fáelán Portavius - DF - Helena and Sheen - KnShirayuki - Spin-off
  • Fearn - DTO - Melpomene - Tawaki - Appearance
    • Fearn is a humanized Strategist Dalek. He was unnamed in his only current appearance; his name was found by consulting his creator.
  • Filus - see Fáelán Portavius
  • Fingal - DMS - Wilkins - Starwind Rohana - Article
  • Fox - Nursery (child) - N/A - doctorlit - Appearance 1 2
    • An agent class student from Infamous, where he developed a fear of super-powered humans.
  • Fynn- unknown - Gil and Sangdor - Fynn - Article


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Gavin Potter-Snape-Aberforce - Nursery (child) - N/A - Adoptable NPC - Rescue, Appearance
    • Gavin has a twin brother, Emmett. Both were rescued from the Legendary "Little Miss Mary." In 2016, Gavin aged from the one-year-and-a-bit he should have been to about seven and three quarters due to a stray time dilation.
  • George - DMS, Sailor Moon Division - Erica - Meg Thornton and Will - Appearance
  • Gil - unknown - Fynn and Sangdor - unknown - Article
    • Probably created by Boarder!Fynn, but it's unclear.


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Haar - see Harpoon
  • Hamelt - DTE - Rouge - Tomato - Appearance
    • Hamelt died in the 2008 Mary Sue Invasion. After he succumbed to Suefluence and murdered three agents, his partner Rouge killed him to stop him from hurting anyone else.
  • Harmony - child - N/A - Akedhi - Appearance
    • Harmony is Agent Threnody's young cousin.
  • Hastur - unknown - Ligur - unknown - Article
    • Agents Hastur and Ligur pedaled Bleepsinthe out of RC 5689 in June 2006.
  • Havoc - DMS, Sub-department of Rare Fandoms - Tink - Caribbean Blue - Spin-off
  • Hrdani - DF - Chryse - Oracle/Lhachel - Journal
  • Hyde - DMS, Harry Potter Division - Mervin - Mrs. Hyde - Spin-off
    • Also worked with OFU versions of Severus Snape and Sheldon Sands.


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Isabelle Delanuit - DMS, Freelance - Damien Martins - Ella Darcy - Home MST
  • Isabel Stanton - DMS - Mithrenriene Rochmabriel - those vaguely akin to humanity - Spin-off
    • Isabel is fluent in French, and speaks it in times of stress.
  • Iwa S. Thayer - unknown - unknown - Neshomeh - Article
    • An obvious pseudonym.


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Jane - DMS - Kwennyfer - Lumarele - Spin-off
    • She is short and dark-haired and likes to wear a trench coat.
  • Janet Ackerly - DMS - Cygna Hoshiko - Cygna-hime - Spin-off
  • Janne "Click" McNichols - DIC - unknown - unknown - Article
  • Jasper - DMS - unknown - o0-Key-0o - Spin-off
    • Jasper had a partner and a mini-Balrog, but since only the first chapter of her spin-off was archived, their identities are lost.
  • Jeeves - see Geoffrey Carver
  • Jenn - Nursery (child) - N/A - Oracle/Lhachel - Appearance
    • Jenn is one of the first children born into HQ. She was in "agent training" in 2003. Presumably, she is now an active agent.
  • Jenn Wren - DMS, HP Division - Nel Lemon - Treeofdoooom's friend - Spin-off
  • Judy - Floaters - NytBloomer - NytBloomer - Spin-off
    • Judy is a golden retriever. Thanks to her home badfic, she has the powers of sapience, speech, and sarcasm.