PPC Wiki
PPC Wiki


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Adder - see Adrienne "Adder" Marten
  • Aldion - see Canta Enquëo
  • Amanita Jackson - APD, The Covenant Division - Kos-Mos - Amanita Jackson - Spin-off
  • Amelia Hayward - DMS, Sub-department of Rare Fandoms - Loren Blue - Caribbean Blue - Spin-off
  • Amy Renner - see Amelia Renner
  • Anne - DMS, LotR Division - Kate - Anne Miliardo - Spin-off
    • Helped train Carol.
  • Aphrodite Brown - unknown - unknown - Starwind Rohana(?) - Article 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • Arlian Luke Penguin - child - N/A - Tawaki - Appearance
    • Born May 2009. Arlian lives with his parents, Tawaki and Tadkeeta Penguin, and twin sister Katherine in the Generic Sci-fi continuum where they retired.
  • Atropos - none - none - eris89 - Article
    • Atropos was a former Sue from a Greek Mythology fic who was driven insane by the Mystery Assassin.
  • Azrael - see Amira Azraelle Sharbat Typon


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Bal - Nursery (child) - N/A - Oracle/Lhachel - Appearance
    • Bal was a girl in Jenn's "agent training" class in 2003.
  • Banda - Nursery (child) - N/A - doctorlit - Appearance
    • A young jinn attending agent classes, who must grant one wish a day to avoid magical pain.
  • Basil - see Basilico Andretti
  • Begonia de Window-Potts, Sir - Department of Plot Contrivances, Dept. Head - N/A - Meir Brin - Article
    • This Flower is fictitious. He and his department only ever existed in one agent's imagination c. March 2006.
  • Bertie - Department of Imaginary Objects - none - eris89 - Article
  • Bess E. Boddy - unknown - unknown - Gillespy - Article
    • Bess wrote the infamous article about the SO and the Yellow Roses in March 2006.
  • Blythe - Nursery (child) - N/A - Oracle/Lhachel - Appearance
    • Blythe is a blonde girl who was in Jenn's "agent training" class in 2003.
  • Broansly, Mrs. - civilian - N/A - o0-Key-0o - Appearance
    • Mrs. Broansly is an employment agent in World One who recommended that Jasper apply to the PPC for a summer job.
  • Byzantium - DBS - unknown - unknown - Article
    • This character may have been invented by Luthien or belonged to someone else c. March 2006.


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Calhoun - DIC - Agnew - Guvnor Of Space - Appearance 1 2
    • Calhoun retired in 2010.
  • Catherine Hust - see Hust Twins
  • Cement - unknown - unknown - Tawaki - Article
    • Cement wrote an article about Agent Len in June 2007.
  • Charlie Shoe - see Charlotte Shoe
  • Charlotte Deline - DBS - unknown - unknown - Article
    • Presumed to have been created by Starwind Rohana.
  • Charlotte Hust - see Hust Twins
  • Cheek - DMS, LotR Division - Whitey - Zoe Black - Article
  • Chryse - DF - Hrdani - Oracle/Lhachel - Journal
  • Cille Holm - DMS - Sally Antoine - Aiwendil Greenleaf and Sally Fakry - Spin-off
  • Connie Girard - see Chalk
  • Corinx - unknown - unknown - Starwind Rohana - Article
  • Crash - DRD - Twitchy - those vaguely akin to humanity - Spin-off
    • Crash is known for clumsiness, but was ironically last seen in Medical after an accident Twitchy caused.
  • Cray - see Katie Cray
  • Cygna Hoshiko - DMS - Janet Ackerly - Cygna Hime - Spin-off


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Davey - Nursery (child) - N/A - Zingenmir - Appearance (Ten Years Hence)
    • Davey is a badfic rescue: a former kid!Eleventh Doctor (Time Lord).
  • Death - DIC - Lasin Logic - Twain and Jeanlily - Spin-off
    • Named for the fact that she is the former Death of TV Shows, who joined the PPC after she became bored with her job.
  • Del - Floaters - Chrysocome - Tawaki - Appearance 1 2 3 4
    • Del is an o'rant Wizard from the DragonKeeper Chronicles. She worked with Agents Lucinda, Light Fixture, and Sernak. She is married to Chrysocome.
    • Retired to a Generic Science Fantasy continuum in 2009.
  • Delron - unknown - unknown - IndeMaat - Appearance
    • Reassured a Suefluenced canon that the PPC was helping. This led to self-endangerment.
  • Dewmont - DMS, LotR Division - unknown - unknown - Article
    • Dewmont may have been invented by WyldeHorse or belonged to someone else c. March 2006.
  • Diana - DRD - Valdenia - those vaguely akin to humanity - Spin-off
  • Dina - DMS, HP Division - Weasel - peace_weasel - Journal
  • Doctor ... - see Fitzgerald or Freedenberg
  • Doom - DMS - unknown - unknown - Article
    • This Doom may have been invented by Tungsten Monk or belonged to someone else c. March 2006.
  • Dots - DBS - unknown - Echo - Appearance
    • Dots trained Agent Echo Kazul in bad slash work.
  • Ducky - DBS - unknown - unknown - Article
    • Ducky's response center was set on fire in August 2006, but he was unharmed.
  • Dust - see Stardust


  • Name - Most current dept. or affiliation, division or position if applicable - Most current partner's name - Writer's name - Link
    • Notes, if they don't have a page.
  • Edoni Farrow - unknown - unknown - unknown - Article
    • Edoni interviewed Agents Fynn and Sangdor for the Multiverse Monitor in December 2006 and mysteriously vanished afterward. She may have been written by Boarder!Fynn or Zoe Black.
  • Ella Darcy - DAC - Claudia Beth King - Ella Darcy - Spin-off
    • Ella Darcy retired and returned to the Real World.
  • Elvy - see Meneltari
  • Emmett Potter-Snape-Aberforce - Nursery (child) - N/A - Adoptable NPC - Rescue
    • Emmett has a twin brother, Gavin. Both were rescued from the Legendary "Little Miss Mary." In 2016, Gavin aged from the one-year-and-a-bit he should have been to about seven and three quarters due to a stray time dilation.
  • Erica - DMS, Sailor Moon Division - George - Meg Thornton and Will - Appearance