Gintama or Gin Tama (銀魂 "Silver Soul") is a comedy shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi, originally published in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 2004 to 2018. An anime adaptation ran from 2006 to 2018. The story takes place in an alternate-history Bakumatsu era in which Japan is forced to open up not by foreigners but by aliens, and follows the life of an unemployed man named Gintoki and various friends and adversaries. The series is known for high fourth-wall awareness and satirizing popular Japanese media tropes.
Gintama and the PPC[]
Due to the nature of the series, all canon characters in this continuum know of the PPC.
Minis created in this continuum are mini-Justaways – smaller versions of these unimpressive cylindrical figurines with mini names printed on the bottom.
Missions in This Continuum[]
Listed in chronological order according to when they take place on the HQ Standard Timeline, as near as can be determined.
- "Of Canon-Copying and Human Snowboards", the Four Demonly Kings - Agents Kaguya Hazama and Momoka Shigisawa (DMS – Video Games), Urato Tomiyama and Inasuke Akagashi (DF), June 2022