Ghostbusters is a popular American comedy movie produced in 1984, which has also inspired two sequels, two reboots (one of which has all-female protagonists), a comic series, a video game, and two animated series. Its premise is that New York is haunted, and a team of eccentrics specialises in capturing the ghosts.
In Fanfiction[]
Despite its popularity, Ghostbusters doesn't have too much fanfic, but nevertheless, fanfic of it can be found, both good and bad. As you'd expect, all four of the original Ghostbusters get shipped together on occasion. Peter Venkman is also sometimes shipped with his canon love interest Dana Barrett, and Egon Spengler is sometimes shipped with Janine, who canonically has an unrequited crush on him. The protagonists are also sometimes shipped with the readers. Another common trend is prequel stories, which often attempt to explain the lives of the original trio when they were in college/university.
A common occurrence in badfic is making Ray too subdued and/or Egon too quick to show emotion, which can happen if the writer is pulling the characters OOC for the sake of plot, or if they're writing the characters' actions based on how they, the writer, would react to the situations in the story, rather than how the characters would react.
Occasionally, a Mary Sue will arrive and romance one of the Ghostbusters, most often Egon. She will usually be either a guest, or a new secretary, and if the latter, she may steal Janine's job. Both Sues and Stus have been known to take on the role of a fifth Ghostbuster.
- "Into the Green" (crossover with Transformers) - NSFW. Agents Melissa Hurley and May.