Family Guy (CIC MAC-2004-031-SS) is an animated TV series created by Seth McFarlane. The series follows the dysfunctional family of Peter Griffin and his wife, Lois. The couple have three children (Meg, Chris, and Stewie) and an unusually articulate dog (Brian). The show is a comedy similar to The Simpsons, in which slapstick and running gags are mixed with pop culture references.
Missions in this Continuum[]
- "A baby and his dog" (NSFW), Trojanhorse and Paddlebrains (DBS)
MSTs in this Continuum[]
- "What Have I Gotten Myself Into?" Agent Monty Biggins and Trainees Steven Fontwell, Sasha Lipsen, Shawn Cooper-Wright, Wallis, Jessie Reynolds and Stan Jones (DoP)