Disney Fairies, otherwise known as Tinker Bell, is a multimedia franchise by Disney, created as a spin-off to the Disney Peter Pan films. The franchise consists of series of books, films and video games, with the book-verse and movie-verse being separate continuities. The stories are set in Pixie Hollow, a kingdom in Neverland populated by fairies, and center on Tinker Bell from the Peter Pan franchise.
Disney Fairies franchise and the PPC[]
As it's considered reasonably separate from Peter Pan, it has its own mini type. Minis native to this continuum are mini-sprinting thistles.
Agents native to this continuum[]
Missions in this continuum[]
Listed in chronological order according to when they take place on the HQ Standard Timeline, as near as can be determined.
Agents specialized in this continuum[]
Agents are considered specialised in a continuum when they have handled at least three missions in the canon. Most of these agents are also active/specialised in other continua. It is often not the agents who decide where their specialty lies, but the Flowers that keep assigning missions to them.
- Agents Urato Tomiyama and Inasuke Akagashi (DF)
- "Of Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust" ft. Kaguya Hazama and Momoka Shigisawa (DMS) - June 2022
- "Of Gentlemen and False Advertising" - January 2023
- "Of Fairy Food and Fairy Fashion" - January 2023
- "Of Cherry Blossoms and Dialogue Stealing" ft. Kaguya and Momoka - Feb 2023
Agents not yet specialized in this continuum[]
- "In Other News, Water is Wet" (crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean and The Little Mermaid), Agents Stephanie Podd and Chakkik (DMS) and Cupid Carmine and Lapis Lazuli (DIC)
- "Of Mushrooms and Ripe Berries", Agents Helena, Sheen and Fáelán Portavius (DF)
- "Of Cotton Fields and London Streets", Arare Usuasagi ft. Agent Inasuke Akagashi (DF) - Mar 2023