PPC Wiki

The Department of Out of Character Hobbits is tasked with preventing the corruption of J.R.R. Tolkien's humble hole-dwellers.

The abbreviation is D-OOC-H, DOOCH. It is also sometimes rendered DOCH, which sounds less silly when said aloud.


Hobbits are particularly affected by badfic. Mary Sues and Suethors mischaracterise them shamelessly and shamefully, either ignoring them because they're lusting after "hott" Elves and Men, or babying them to prove how caring and wonderful their original character is, or abusing them for gratuitous hurt/comfort and healing sex. Authors of bad slash often forget that of the Hobbits who were central characters in LotR, three (Merry, Pippin and Frodo) are related, and put them in bed together; or they mischaracterise the friendship between Sam and Frodo and put them in bed together; or put any number of these Hobbits in bed with Aragorn. Or Legolas... the list goes on.

The agents of the DOOCH do not go on many missions;[1] they have enough free time to create and run the PPC's Sprout Movement.[2] Their department is generally looked down on by the rest of the PPC, who describe it as "unnecessary" and "frivolous." Given that the Yellow Roses are members of it (in some ill-defined capacity), they may have a point...

Special Equipment[]

Instead of the traditional black uniform, agents of the DOOCH customarily wear green or yellow.[3]

Known Agents[]

  • Maly & Dagger (RC 11.0010010000111111011010101000100 010000101101000110000100011010011000 10011000110011000110011000101000101)
  • Sean[3]


  1. See Agent Huinesoron's shock in "Of Wolves and Fellowship" by Huinesoron, June 9, 2014
  2. "Buds & Sprouts" by Huinesoron, April 25, 2014
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Madness on Saint Patrick's Day!" by Luthien, The Multiverse Monitor, March 2006